Graduation Requirements for Daarul uloom
English 4 credits (8 semesters worth)
Math 4 credits (8 semesters worth)
Social Studies/Humanitites 3 credits (6 semesters worth)
Science 4 credits (8 semester sworth)
Tech/Computer Science 1credit (2 semesters worth)
Business/Resource Management 1credit (2 semesters worth)
World Language & Religious studies 4 credits (IST studies, Quran, Arabic, etc.)
4 additional credits in any category to fullfillthe 25 credits required for graduation.
Other General Graduation Requirements
- Community Service Leadership Work…..20 clock hours per year (80 total) **Recorded and Approved by Administration
- Completion of PSAT
- Completion of ACT & SAT or Administrator Approved Waiver
- US constitution test at high school level successfully passed
- Completion of 2 AP level courses
All course work qualifying for Graduating with Honors must be “B” or better: AP testing must be a 3 or above; One test under English, Science, Social Sciences and Resource Management must be achieved
To graduate with academic honors the additional course is needed:
Qur'an Academy or Equivalent Accomplishment
10 semester hours total of English with AP or college level courses
12 semester hours total of Science with AP or college level courses
10 semester hours total of Math
8 semester hours total of Social Studies/Humanities with AP or college level courses
AP or college level course in Business/resource Management
** There is no option for early graduation. The four year plan does include possible college course credit at the time that the student reaches specific age and academic qualifications.
Illinois Graduation requirements
The basics stated by Illinois are as follows:
4 yrs. of Language Arts (must include 1 Semester of Speech)
3 yrs. of Mathematics
2 yrs. of Social Studies (must include U.S. History and Civics)
3 yrs. of Science
1 yr. of Foreign Language, Art, or Tech Prep (Agriculture, Business, Family & Consumer Science, or Industrial Arts)
1 Semester of Software Applications
1 Semester of Resource Management
4 yrs. of Physical Education (must include Driver Education classroom and Health)
4 yrs. of Language Arts (must include 1 Semester of Speech)
3 yrs. of Mathematics
2 yrs. of Social Studies (must include U.S. History and Civics)
3 yrs. of Science
1 yr. of Foreign Language, Art, or Tech Prep (Agriculture, Business, Family & Consumer Science, or Industrial Arts)
1 Semester of Software Applications
1 Semester of Resource Management
4 yrs. of Physical Education (must include Driver Education classroom and Health)