2018 Finals Schedule
Students are expected to take some finals. If students are receiving less than an A in a course, a teacher may require students. Attendance may play a part in being exempt from some finals. This will not be announced until May 8th.
Tuesday – 14th First day of finals
8:45-8:54 Assembly
9-10:15 All English Classes
10:20-11:40 All Math Classes
Wednesday –15th Second day
8:45-8:54 Assembly
9-10:15 All Science Classes
10:20-11:40 Psychology
11:45-1:30 All Quran Classes
8:45-8:54 Assembly
9-10:15 Computers & CAD
10:20-11:40 IST Classes
11:45-1:30 All Arabic Classes
1st round Graduation Practice
after Prayer
** Students are expected to be in designated study halls if they are in the building during finals time.
Friday—Class schedule is for
8:45 -1:30 pm All students are to be in attendance.
Final Graduation Practice after
Juma Prayer
Tuesday – 14th First day of finals
8:45-8:54 Assembly
9-10:15 All English Classes
10:20-11:40 All Math Classes
Wednesday –15th Second day
8:45-8:54 Assembly
9-10:15 All Science Classes
10:20-11:40 Psychology
11:45-1:30 All Quran Classes
8:45-8:54 Assembly
9-10:15 Computers & CAD
10:20-11:40 IST Classes
11:45-1:30 All Arabic Classes
1st round Graduation Practice
after Prayer
** Students are expected to be in designated study halls if they are in the building during finals time.
Friday—Class schedule is for
8:45 -1:30 pm All students are to be in attendance.
Final Graduation Practice after
Juma Prayer