High school is a time to help students adjust to a higher academic challenge and situation. At Daarul Uloom, we have the opportunities to help students grow and experience higher education if we feel that they meet the requirements. We look at self motivation, writing skills, time management and dedication to education. Some students may meet some or all these characteristics. We have the option of Illinois Central College classwork to be given in our school day. The coursework is available to those whom the administration and educational staff feels could excel under supervision. Students may earn college transcript credit in addition to high school
graduation requirements. ICC calls it early start, strong start or dual credit.
Students must meet the following qualifications to even be considered:
1.Only Junior and Senior status would be able to be off campus during the school day
2. To be counted for DU, the coursework has to be approved before registration and attending.
3. Students must have:
SAT 1000 /ACT 21 or higher or working in an official SAT/ACT program
3.0 grade point average from previous quarter or semester
A/B in current English class and previous quarter
No excessive tardies
No more than two days absent in previous quarter
No grade lower than a C in any coursework in the previous semester/quarter
Accuplacer placement test scores through ICC that place them in transferable/non-remedial work
4. Students must exhibit and practice academic honesty and higher academic study practices
The dual/strong start courses offered through Daarul Uloom in connection with ISU are transferable to many Universities and colleges. The additional cost to regulary tutition may be required depending on the course, approval of the course by administration and location of the course. We are not only having students have the college credit course, but they will have a teacher/monitor for the course if they remain at the school. In addition, students will have to sign a waiver that allows the administration access to their grades at ICC so monitoring can occur.
If you approve, students will be required to apply to ICC. This will allow a student account in which includes tutoring, writing labs and other campus services available to them as well. Students also must pass a placement exam in order for ICC to accept them into specific classes. There is no cost of the exam; however, the results must yield them to be placed into a transferable course. Remedial courses will not be offered to students since we can provide those courses here with no extra charge.
As the parent, the administration would like to know if you wish this opportunity to be available to your student/child. All coursework taken inside & outside the school time frame must be approved before any cost or credit will be accepted by Daarul Uloom HS administration.
Overall suggestion sequence and availability of coursework options - starting in Fall of 2019
* Additional cost in addition to regular tuition may be implemented for ICC and AP coursework