Software Apps & Typing CMP 099 (1semester) .5 credit
The course is designed to teach students how to use the computer as a business and personal tool through the use of applications software. Students with some computer experience who need to expand their skills will benefit. Students will effectively use a current Windows operating system to develop and refine keyboarding skills on computers for speed and accuracy;Students will build their soft skills through a variety of hands-on projects..
Advanced Software Apps and Typing CMP 100 (1 semester) .5 credit
The course is designed to teach students computer application skills they need for success in academics and careers. Students with some computer experience who need to expand their skills will benefit. The focus is to enhance the fluency and speed of typing and also to become very proficient in office skill software from docs through excel/sheets.
Students will effectively use a current Windows operating system , analyze and develop their workplace skills. Improvement in soft skills will be through hands-on projects integrating multiple office applications. Refining their keyboarding skills on computers for speed will also be an objective.
Intro to Computers/CAD CMS 101 -2 semesters (.5 credit each semester)
This course introduces students to the foundational concepts of computer science and explores the impact computing and technology have on our society. This course introduces students to the basics of designing a web page using
HTML and CSS. An introduction to the world of programming and how information/images are represented with computers along with the design and structure of the Internet are also addressed. Students will create a portfolio on the web of projects they build throughout the course. The course focus on creativity, problem solving and project-based learning.This course is a prerequisite for most other computer courses.
Computer Science Honors CMS 201-2 semesters (.5 credit each semester)
prerequisite: CMS 101 or instructor permission
CMS 201 builds upon the skills and knowledge acquired with CMS 101. This course will review what was already learned and introduce the student to number of more advanced Computer Science topics such as Strings, Arrays, Searching and Sorting. The class will lay a strong foundation for future academic study in the discipline.
Advanced Topics in CMS 301-2 semesters (.5 credit each semester)
prerequisite: CMS 201, Computer Literacy and permission of the instructor
The Advanced Topics Computer Science course is comparable to those in the introductory course for computer science majors offered in college and university computer science departments. It is not expected, however, that all students in the Advanced Computer Science course will major in computer science at the university level. This course is intended to serve both as an introductory course for computer science majors and as a course for people who will major in other disciplines that require significant involvement with technology.
Engineering Computer Design & 3D printing-2 semesters CTE 200(.5 credit each semester)
This course will explore the concept of engineering design. The design process, brainstorming, drafting, and utilizing software to draw and animate components through a computer medium. Hands on projects that could be developed into the 3D model will be expected. Own computers with processing power for the program will be needed to be provided by the student. The software utilized may vary. Some free versions of Autodesk Inventor or Pro e/Creo are available for free downloads for students.
Engineering Concepts with digital electronics CTE 201 (.5 credit each semester)